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In my experience, high school in my small town was where I made some long-lasting relationships and said goodbye to friends I’d known since kindergarten. These were some of my best friends, who helped me blossom into my best self.
When it came time to say goodbye, despite being a creative writer, I was at a loss…
Are you as a “senior” (the silver kind!) now possibly advising a teenager, grandchild or new graduate in your life on what to write in a graduation card, text message, graduation web page or yearbook sendoff?
Please use or share our handy guide below on the best senior quotes for these special occasions. Maybe your younger loved one may not know quite what to write that will be touching and memorable.
Such intimate and treasured bonds need a fitting send-off — but they can be difficult to write about.
After all, remember how you and your friends would want every word of your senior quotes to matter and give justice to the people and experiences you held dear in life? Isn’t interesting how years later we may look back through our personal memorabilia from those days and smile at the things our then-friends wrote?
This guide will help you or your graduating senior formulate the most fitting senior quotes worthy of their best friends.
Best Friend Senior Quotes
Finding a quote that fully symbolizes your relationship with your best friends can be hard.
Whether it’s your unconditional love for them, the funny shenanigans you did before graduation, or just simple gratitude, there are many aspects of your experiences that you can draw from.
What are good quotes for high school seniors?
The best senior quotes are the ones that are simple, easy to remember, and straight to the point.
These send-offs can be derived from your favorite media, such as music and literature. They can be more meaningful if you bond over them.
There are also online tools and tips to help you create your own quote.
It can be hard to find or think of a quote that will encapsulate the good times and experiences you shared with your friends.
Inspirational Quotes
A simple friendship made in school can last the entire life of a person. You can find an inspirational quote that will capture your high school memories while also celebrating the next chapter of your life.
“The Future is ours together” can encourage you and your friends about the lives you can make together after you’re seniors.
Another route for an inspirational quote would be something that reflects your bond as true friends. “You’re the star in my night” reminds you of the hard times you persevered through together. It shows how your friends served as your light in your darkest times.
An inspirational quote shows that you still want to walk a path with your friends in the future.
Funny Quotes
A funny quote can be another perfect way to mark a friendship and celebrate a chapter in life. Funny yearbook quotes help us remember all our fun as classmates and friends.
“Good friends don’t let you do stupid things. . . alone” would remind you of how you somehow found fun in school and anywhere else. You’re also reminded of the shenanigans you got in trouble for.
“True friends don’t judge each other; they judge other people together” celebrates how similar you and your best friends are.
“A best friend never gets in your way unless you happen to be going down” will help you cherish and celebrate how much you trust your best friend.
These funny senior quotes would celebrate all the fun times made during high school. Cherish all the times you laughed with your best friend, even during life after graduation.
Sentimental Quotes
Sentimental senior quotes to capture the friendship between you and your classmates can be hard to write. The main focus of these quotes should be on the emotions you felt when you were with a good friend.
“A friend is someone who sees everything but still loves you” highlights the unconditional love of true friendship.
“The only way to have a friend is to be one” by Ralph Waldo Emerson can sum up the journey to find friends. It can also remind you of how you found your group.
“Friends show their love in times of trouble, not just in times of happiness” by Euripides reminds you of how solid the power of your friendship was through thick or thin. It celebrates the power of how faithful a true friend can be during the dark periods of our life.
Senior quotes can remind you of your great friends and provide a sense of nostalgia.
Any sentimental quote would help remind your fellow seniors how much their friendship meant to you.
Quotes About Friendship Growth and Change
Seniors would naturally be apprehensive with all the changes life throws at them as soon-to-be-adults.
Some senior quotes can provide a sense of solace as they remember memories of true friendship. They can use these as motivation and inspiration to keep moving forward despite the fear change brings.
“The most beautiful discovery true friends make is that they can grow separately without growing apart” by Elizabeth Foley is one of the best examples.
The quote reflects that your friendship can endure while pursuing your ambitions separately despite the physical distance between friends.
Another similar quote to write would be, “Friends are like the stars, not always seen but always there.” You don’t always see stars, but you know they’re just there. Similarly, your friends will always root for you even if you don’t see them.
Lastly, “All my best stories have you in them” can describe how many treasured memories are made with a best friend. These quotes capture how much we matter to the people we consider family.
Quotes from Famous Personalities, Movies, and Books
Senior quotes can be taken from sayings from media, literature, and stars you and your best friend idolize. What are some good yearbook quotes?
“You got a friend in me” from Toy Story has you remember how a friendship can start rocky before becoming true friends like Buzz and Woody.
“I wouldn’t have nothing if I didn’t have you” from Monsters Inc can share how valuable you and your best friends mean to one another.
“It’s hard to soar with the eagles when you’re surrounded by turkeys” by Adam Sandler can enforce how you prefer to stay with your good friend than anyone else.
The advantage of using pop culture for your senior quotes is how recognizable they are between friends and even to the rest of your class.
The idea is that just a simple quote can deliver all the context you need and reap solidarity with fellow fans.
The Deeper Meaning of Friendship during Senior Years
Senior year should be a time for celebrating the future you’re all preparing for. Without fear of the looming adulthood, responsibility and college create unwanted anxiety.
Thankfully you have your best friends near you to create more good times you can treat as motivation before adulthood. These friends always have the perfect way to ease your worries forever.
Yet, what made you become best friends and part of each other’s lives so easily?
1. Support System During Transitions
People will always need someone to look out for them wherever they are. This can be as simple as listening to all the troubles that can happen as you bare your soul.
Being inspirational towards each other keeps the other motivated while keeping your friendship spontaneous.
Everyone needs a support system to help keep the other in check, especially during rockier moments. The biggest worry you would have is that you have to decide where your life will go.
This is especially true as senior year with graduation is one big transition toward adulthood, and things are beginning to matter more.
Friends, in general, help ground you more in what’s real and in the present against your thoughts.
2. Cherishing Memories and Experiences
The thing with life is that you never know what it will throw at you. One day can be the best, only to sour later on with pain, conflict, and loss.
School can also be dull and boring, with the days seeming to stretch forever.
Yet, you can still make the most of your life daily by having fun with your friends or even just having them nearby.
Whether reckless or short-sighted, the shenanigans you do together will be something you can hold onto. This is especially true when our lives can take sudden sharp turns downwards for some pretty difficult times.
Those happier days can be what pushes you forward in life and make your day seem less gray.
3. Building Long-lasting Bonds
True friendship can last even beyond people’s lives.
Those with the fortune to find a friend they truly connect with must be one of the luckiest. However, people can be fickle, and it’s hard to realize sometimes who are our truest friends.
My best advice is to give everyone a shot, as friendship is like faith. You never know until you experience it with any potential friendship.
Always seek out fun activities together, and a bond shall form either from doing small things or something deeper, like sharing secrets.
A fun bonding gag two best friends can do is to have matching senior quotes.
4. Valuing Personal Growth and Development
Inspirational senior quotes are about recalling the past, specifically the important milestones in our life.
Each is done with support from a friend or other loved ones as they see your growth and support you towards your goals.
Regardless of your ambition, quotes bring to mind how far you’ve come. They also motivate you to keep going.
So, in the future, look at your senior quotes to see the friendship that helped you grow the most through unconditional support.
Tips for Choosing the Perfect Best Friend Senior Quote
Senior quotes can be hard to express as emotions can be a bit messy, and our expectations are high, especially with your friend.
The ability to capture what your truest friends mean to you in senior quotes would take quite the skill with words.
No matter how direct and cheesy it can be, honest senior quotes will help carry your sentiments about your friendship in the rawest form.
A simple “I’ll miss you” as an earnest senior quote might even bring tears to your friend’s eye more than if you pulled out a long and complicated saying.
To help you get your perfect quote, I’ve written down a few tips below:
1. Reflecting on Your Unique Friendship
When considering your quote, consider what made your friendship matter more than other relationships.
Was it your shared ability to quote the same movies or stories? Was it the ability to make you always feel you matter when your head says the opposite?
Don’t forget. You can share senior quotes with your best friends as a great souvenir for them to look into as well.
This shows you all share the same sentiments on how you feel while still celebrating the time you spent together.
2. Considering the Purpose of the Quote
Think of how you would want your friend to react or feel to your quote before committing to one.
Having a rough idea of the kind of reaction you want to see will help you focus on what your quote will say.
If you want them to smile, decide on clever wordplay or extenders depending on the humor of your friend.
If your friend is a more serious person, it might be better to be direct and to the point with how you appreciate them and their reliable presence.
Also, consider what you want to say. Do you want to thank them or inspire them to walk toward the future with you?
3. Staying Authentic and True to Your Friendship
The best kind of senior quotes is completely authentic due to the intimacy of a friendship.
You will always matter to each other wherever you go and whatever you do.
You can represent your friendship in a cheesy way or share an inside joke or hidden passion.
4. Remembering the Emotions and Sentiments Involved
Senior quotes, especially about close friends, always evoke strong emotions and sentiments.
After all, the quote will present why you love being around these people back in high school.
These fond memories are ones you keep forever as you refresh yourself with those warm emotions.
Frequently Asked Questions
You now know how to choose senior quotes better and get into the spirit of things. But you might still have questions regarding creating quotes for your best friends.
After all, you want these to sum up how you feel about them. So, I’ve answered a few more questions to help you out:
How Do I Choose the Right Senior Quote That Represents My Friendship With My Best Friend?
Friendship with a best friend is something that can be beyond words. After all, the time and experiences you spend with them are worth more than money.
A best friend makes you think, “Where have they been all this time?” after you realize how much fun you’ve had together.
Senior quotes for someone profoundly affected you can feel admittedly incomplete for such a friendship. However, remember that your best friend already more than accepts you regardless.
Whatever idea you decide upon, make it as honest as possible. I’m sure your best friends will understand your sentiments.
Can I Use a Quote From a Movie, Book, or Song for My Senior Quote?
Yes, media, literature, and music are common sources for senior quotes! They may sound cliche, but these quotes might bring up specific memories.
On top of that, you’ll also be able to connect them to your own life.
Besides nostalgia, a direct quote can also be a great conversation starter when making new friends.
Nothing bonds people more than seeing a quote from something they love or making them laugh.
You can also use it to introduce potential friends to something that brings you happiness.
Are Funny Senior Quotes Acceptable for Yearbooks?
Yes! Funny quotes are acceptable within your yearbooks.
Yearbooks are meant to be souvenirs for the stories you made during high school.
A humorous quote helps you reminisce when you laughed during happier moments. You can use an inside joke or a witty or funny sentence to capture those moments.
After all, what’s the point of a laugh if you can’t share it with your best friends and schoolmates?
However, remember to keep your senior quote jokes in good taste without resorting to being offensive.
How Can I Personalize a Famous Quote for My Best Friend Senior Quote?
You can personalize a famous quote by expressing it in your own way.
After all, dozens of seniors probably considered using the exact quote for their circle of friends. So, why not make the quote more memorable by giving it your personal touch?
In my experience, it is best to break up the quote into their main ideas to work.
Such as “Feeling lucky, punk?” by Clint Eastwood and keeping the ideas of “luck” and “bravado.” You can rephrase it like “Like your odds?” as long as it keeps the themes of the quote.
If you really want to make your friends (or senior citizen friends) laugh, you could go “Old School” with these hilarious and self-deprecating humor quotes from the timeless comedian Rodney Dangerfield, who I personally think was a comic genius. Here’s a great collection of Rodney Dangerfield quotes.
What Is the Significance of Senior Quotes in Yearbooks or Social Media Captions?
The significance of senior quotes online or in a yearbook is that it preserves memories.
Whether joyful, painful, or lackluster, high school was a time of many changes you got to share with all kinds of people.
Some people would like to cherish the memories and friends they made before they start to forget.
There is also the matter of sharing these memories of friendship and happiness with someone else. Whether it will tell your children about a time you were younger or meet an old friend to reminisce.
There is also the joy of seeing someone that shares the same sentiment leave a comment on whatever social media you prefer.
Senior quotes are meant to preserve and celebrate a time in your life that you want to remember forever.
Senior quotes celebrate the wonderful lives of your friends and happier moments before the inevitable graduation as you cross over to university.
These senior quotes honor the spirit of more carefree times with your best friends.
These simpler times are meant to be treasured forever as you smile at the memory from a quote, celebrating the lives you met.
Share these senior quotes of friendship with strangers and young loved ones as you relive your school days with a long-time friendship.
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